
Dr. VIMALA A, MBBS, MD, DM (Nephrology), FRCP (London)

Senior Consultant NEPHROLOGY
Photo of Dr. VIMALA A MBBS, MD, DM (Nephrology), FRCP (London)

Brief Profile

HOD & Senior Consultant , Nephrology

Positions held

1.Founder secretary of Nephrology, Nephrology Association of Kerala
2.President, nephrology association of Kerala
3.Member. Scientific committee, ISNSC
4.President, nephrology club, Trivandrum

WHO Fellow 1997 October to December (UCLA California Los Angles, Rush Presbyterian Medical Centre, Chicago, IL)

International Conferences attended

1.South Asian Workshop on Leptospirosis, 1995, Chennai
2.Annual Conferences of American Society of Nephrology, 1997, San Antonio
3.International Conference and Workshop on Poison control in India and SEARO countries. New Delhi,1995
4.Seventh Conferences of Asian Society of Transplantation, March 2002, New Delhi.
5.Indo American CME 2004, Trivandrum
6.World Congress GLAGOW, Scotland 2006

Papers presented (International)

1.Clinical features of viperidae envenomation, guest Lecture, November 1997, UCLA, California
2.Methyl Alcohol Poisoning, World Congress of Nephrology, 2005, Singapore
3.Prognostic factors in ARF due to Viperidae envenomation, EDTA Congress GLASGOW, 2006, Scotland

Text book -Author- Fluid electrolyte metabolic and respiratory acid base management published by Jaypee brothers

Awards Received:

1. K.J. Satyadas memorial oration Award for the best teacher in Medical colleges-2004
2. Indian society of Nuclear Medicine, Southern chapter oration 2004
3. Professor T.K Raman memorial oration award, instituted by API, Kerala chapter 2005, Membership in professional bodies
1. Indian Society of Nephrology
2. Indian Society of Nephrology Southern Chapter
3. Nephrology Association of Kerala
4. Association of Physician of India, Kerala Chapter

Categories: NEPHROLOGY
Updated 1 week ago.
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